Summative Assessment Phase F for Class XI

 Assalamualaikum wr wb

Nama : Halila Alifia

Kelas : 11 DPIB 1/ 15

On this occasion, I would like to share the answers from the Summative Assessment Phase F for Class XI for the 2023/2024 academic year.

The following are the questions I got from the lottery that I took:

1. What do you know about opinion?

4.  Give your opinion about viral issues!

6. In what situation do you think the short functional text is important ? 

7. When you visit a school, what kinds of short functional text do you find?

9.   What is a descriptive text?

11. How do you like Semarang ?

12. How do you compare between Semarang and Jakarta? (3 sentences)

13. What is recount text?

18. Suppose you are in place of a burning building  what things will you say?

19. What is a procedure text?

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Thank you for your attention. 

Wassalamualikum wr wb


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