Mudah Membuat Short Functional Text


Hai-hai lagi sobat belajar

Kali ini kita akan membahas materi Short Functional Text. Berisi pembahasan lengkap di sertai contohnya. Penasaran apa sih Short Functional Text itu? Yuk simak pembahasan berikut!

Short Functional Text

1.     Definition

Short functional text is a short text with a specific meaning. This meaning relates to human daily life. The form could be a prohibition, invitation, short message, or announcement. There are so many types that have different functions.

2.     Purpose

Has concise information that aims to benefit the public or the wider community. This short function text can be used to provide information regarding a hint or warning to many people.

3.     Type / kinds of Short Functional Text

a)     Notice : Notice is a written instruction or statement that provides certain information or gives a warning.

b)    Advertisement : Advertisement is a statement or writing that is general in nature about a product. The goal is to convince readers and listeners to be influenced to use it.

c)     Greeting card : A greeting card is a form of card usually accompanied by an image that is sent to someone for certain occasions, for example a card for a happy birthday, congratulations and success, etc.

d)    Announcement : Announcement is an open statement to be known by the general public. The goal is to convey something to listeners and readers.

e)     Invitation : Invitation is a written or read statement so that the appointed person wants to come and participate. The presence of listeners and readers is the main purpose of the invitation.

4.     Structures

a)     Notice :

a.     Attention gather (pengumpulan perhatian).

b.     Information (informasi).

c.     Closeure (penutup).

b)    Advertismen :

a.     Purpose (tujuan).

b.     Name of product (nama produk).

c.     User (pengguna produk atau layanan).

c)     Greeting card :

a.     Receiver (penerima).

b.     Body (isi).

c.     Sender (pengirim).

d)    Announcement :

a.     Opening (pembuka).

b.     Content (isi).

c.     Closing (penutup).

e)     Invitation :

a.     Receiver (penerima).

b.     Body (isi).

c.     Subject (nama acara).

d.     Day/date (hari/tanggal acara).

e.     Time (waktu),.

f.      Place (lokasi).

g.     Sender (pengirim).


5.     Sample

a)     Notice

b)    Advertisement

c)     Greeting card

d)    Announcement

e)     Invitation

6.     Writing

Sobat belajar, dibawah ini merupakan contoh Short Functional Text yang aku buat sendiri loh. Contoh Short Functional Text notice tentang larangan berisik di ruangan, dapat kita temui Ketika kita ke perpustakaan.

ya sobat belajar, selesai sudah pembahasan materi kita kali ini mengenai Short Functional Text. Sampai jumpa lagi di materi selanjutnya, dadah~



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